Yes, it’s legal! Texas law regarding home schools is based on the Leeper v. Arlington case of 1987 which determined that home schools in the state of Texas are considered by the courts to be private schools. As such, the only requirements for home schools to be legal are that 1) the instruction be bona fide 2) the curriculum be in visual form (books, workbooks, video, computer) and 3) the curriculum include the basic subjects of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship.
Home schools in Texas are not regulated and are exempt from compulsory attendance laws. Like other private schools in Texas, there are no requirements for teacher certification or curriculum approval.
For more information regarding the homeschool laws of Texas, please visit Texas Homeschool Coalition’s website.
You can also print a summary analysis of Texas homeschooling laws from the HSLDA site.
Oklahoma homeschoolers can find a legal summary of their laws here. Oklahoma is the only state with a constitutional provision guaranteeing the right to home school.