When we first began our homeschool journey 21 years ago, we were told by our family members and others that our children would never get into college, that they would be socially unacceptable, and they would never get a job. “People who homeschool just don’t live in the real world”, was the most common muttering. We were constantly asked questions like, ʺIs that legal?ʺ, ʺWhat about testing?ʺ, ʺDo your children have friends?”, and of course the very important question, ʺWhat about the prom?ʺ
In our early years, there was some touchiness with us when asked those questions, but now with some of our children grown and having the benefit of enjoying the fruit of our labor, we share lots of laughs over these interrogations.
Homeschooling over the past 21 years has grown to be a more acceptable, alternative form of education outside of the public school; at least no one asks us if it’s legal anymore. It has always been acceptable in the eyes of our Lord and Savior, for HE is the One who has called us to be faithful with this task, and because HE asks us to educate our children for HIS glory in this manner, HE is the One to whom the results rest, and this gives us extraordinary peace.
We claim the promises of Matthew 6:33, ʺBut seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.ʺ and Philippians 1:6, ʺFor I am confident of this very thing, that HE who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
When our oldest son began college at 15, completed his degree, and was employed with Lock-heed Martin by the age of 21, family members and other nay-sayers no longer asked, ʺHow will they ever attend college?ʺ When, sadly, youth who we knew from our churches were getting into trouble and making bad life decisions, while homeschool students we knew were serving the Lord and being discipled by their parents, the ʺHow will they ever be socially acceptable?ʺ question was no longer being asked.
Praise be to God for HIS faithfulness! We owe all honor and glory to Him and thank Him for the wonderful journey that HE has taken us on, and continues to take us on with the homeschool lifestyle!
Ken and Vicki have been home educating their 4 children, ranging in age from 12 to 26, for the past 21 years. Having been a military family for 14 years, it was always a blessing to make new friends with other homeschoolers when they moved to a new area. They currently live in Detroit, Texas.